It’s time to renew your STC and East Bay chapter membership…the renewal period is closing soon, and we want you to stay with us as a member of our value-adding, award-winning community!
For more than 55 years, we have provided an important resource where technical communicators in the East Bay can hear excellent presentations by leaders in the profession, expand their network, and build skills.
There is no place like the Friendly chapter to see compelling evidence of the value of a professional community.
I recently completed 33 years of membership in STC, and I am grateful to be part of a community of professionals who have become my colleagues, friends, and teachers…a community where I have been able to learn new skills, expand my network, and be reminded that I am a valued technical communicator no matter what my career fortunes or job title.
I hope you will see STC’s staying power in your professional life as well…and that you will say Yes to renewal in 2018!
For more information about STC membership, and to renew, visit the Membership page on the STC web site at, and click Join or Renew along the top navigation bar. Please feel free to contact me as well if you have any questions or concerns about your STC membership.
Thank you for being part of the Friendly Chapter. I look forward to continuing our professional journey together as a strong community…where every member matters.
With warm regards,
Lori R. Meyer
Membership Manager, STC East Bay Chapter
The Friendly Chapter